What are the Common ERP Implementation Strategies?

Developing businesses reach a stage where manual spreadsheets won’t be enough. A company might come upon large amounts of data impossible for normal processes to tackle. Implementing ERP software would add significant advantages to an existing business.

Not all people working with businesses know about ERP. Most of us don’t even know how it works for a business. This article clarifies how ERP works and shares the common ERP implementation strategies available today. 

What is ERP?

ERP stands for Electronic Resource Planning. Looking at its core, an ERP is a software or application for automating major business processesOpens in a new tab.. Implementing ERP software provides additional insights and automatic controls to your business. Aside from that, ERP software shares with you a central database where many departments can access crucial information. 

Modern ERP software has many benefits if you add it to the systems of your business. If you want to have ERP software:

  1. Hire an ERP consultantOpens in a new tab. to clarify things for you.
  2. Remember that ERP software can help your business gain more efficiency.
  3. Imagine having a business that can run smoothly. 

When you have ERP software operational, it will be easy to make decisions and deal with immediate problems. Planning and applying effective strategies are part of businesses’ processes daily. When you select to employ the right approach, your business will increase its reputation and revenue and gain more customers. 

A crucial method in strategizing is visualizing scenarios before they happen. It is why business is closely related to warfare. Planning an excellent strategy to execute is detrimental to the success of your business. A business owner will also have more visibility and control over all the departments that make up their business or company. Therefore, they can easily intercept challenges that arise. 

What are Common ERP Implementation Strategies?

ERP or Electronic Resource Planning typically takes the form of software. In some cases, ERPs are integrated software suites or a package of tools. 

Having an ERP in your system enables you to reach all parts of your business. You can quickly get reports from different departments such as accounting, inventory, manufacturing, sales, and distribution. ERP software also can share multiple tools for various purposes. 

Let us now take a closer look at typical ERP Implementation Strategies. 

Planning and Preparation

To build a new strategy, you have to assemble a team representing each department. They will then analyze all the resources that a working system will require. An ERP software will ensure that it will meet the needs of different representatives working together.


During the design stage, a team of analysts will examine all the parts of your workflow that need improvement. They will suggest or figure out ways how your existing business will easily cope after applying a new strategy. For your unique system to succeed, you have to consider making your business more flexible for the upcoming changes. 

Define All Requirements

After the planning, preparation, and designing stage, it is essential to document all of the results. Prior documentation helps create a solid handheld plan that project leaders can review. They can then decide and finalize all the requirements necessary to succeed in the project.

Evaluate All Possible Options

Once a plan or design is in motion, it is common for teams to go over all the possible options if it fails. Having all the documents and soft copies will assist them in determining all the outcomes that can happen. As a result, they can develop practical options if a situation does not go as planned. 


The vendor or user will now determine how to configure an ERP software to meet your business’s requirements. They will also perform all of the activities that your business will need to prepare for deployment. 


Before a new strategy takes effect, it is essential to try it with a few test runs. These test runs will help you determine which part of your new system won’t work. You can then fine-tune your plan before your employees handle it for their daily tasks. 

Document the Method

When a product design or plan is successful, that means that your employees will use your new system. Now is the time to create a document that recordsOpens in a new tab. all the steps of your plan or product creation. A documented strategy will help recruits learn about your existing process. Your method written in the paper can also be helpful when it comes to troubleshooting purposes.

Step-by-Step Implementation

When the testing run becomes successful complete with a record of its proper sequence, each employee must learn each step. One simple mistake can affect the flow of your creative process. Although errors and errors are necessary and unavoidable, it is still better to train all your employeesOpens in a new tab. in handling your new system.


After performing all the design, development, and testing stages, you can now implement your new system. It would help to train your employees about handling your new system. During this phase, you will also prioritize making your system work for you and gaining revenue for your business. 

Launch Key Features

Applying a new system step-by-step can help a company implement its unique features. Launching key features ensures that you will solve errors before being brought as part of the new system. 


Launching a new system to improve your workflow, create a new product, or apply a unique plan will not always fit your company’s culture. After going over all the errors and their positive features, company leaders can customize an existing project to do the entire business. This process requires input from all your departments to customize the new system.

Simultaneous Training

Simultaneous training is helpful to differentiate your previous system and a new system. All the personnel that will run a new program will learn all of its capabilities. They will navigate your new system while retaining knowledge of an existing workflow. It will be easier for your employees to make it through the transition. 

Select the Right Project Leaders

A project leader is necessary for guiding all your employees while working with the new system. They will decide the proper direction that will contribute to the overall plan. Choosing a project leader with experience in managing new software systems will help you assess how all your employees will handle the new system.

Create a Mobile App Version

New software for your company should not only be compatible with desktop computers or laptops. Having a mobile app version gives your users more flexibility while working with your new project. Aside from that, they can check or use your software wherever they might be. 

Allocate Resources

For your new system to perform well online, it is crucial to allocate the proper resources to make it work. Consider all the hardware requirements that your system or software might require. Training your employees will also need sufficient resources before using your new system. 


While your new system is now running, the team behind it should be looking for flaws and troubleshooting. A new technique will always run into complications or minor problems while fully operating your business. We advise having adequate support to back up your system if things go wrong. 

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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