Top 10 HR Trends for 2022

Following the Pandemic surge in 2020 and the significant effect it left on work and human resources, better patterns that allow efficient and effective application of human resources for better impact have continued to surface. It is pretty much 2022, and as expected, there are significant trends on HR that are expected to take center place for the year and others, respectively. These trends will continue to develop the already effective patterns established and also bring new ways that HR can be more significant and better fitted.

Project-Mindset to Product-Mindset

For visionary companies and HR departments, one of the biggest future trends in HR is the purposeful shift from project-focused efficiency to product-focused efficiency. For years, HR effectiveness has been judged with how fast it meets project expectations and kicks off another one.

Before the Pandemic, experts believed that the number of projects Human Resources carried out determined its effectiveness. While this trend has workedOpens in a new tab. for years before, recent adjustments in human resource management show this metric is quite limited and will rarely bring out the best in talents.

Projects have timelines and time frames created for employeesOpens in a new tab. to meet. After that, new projects come up, and the process continues. While this style of operation is quite effective, it is too one-sided, and employed talents may not grasp the overarching goal of the organization vision they desire to work on.

A shift from a project-based mindset to a product-based mindset will help correct the former’s flaws.
A product-based mindset helps talents see their responsibilities as continuous and unending, with project delivery only a part of their ever-lasting process. With a product mindset, talents will incorporate the organization’s vision into every task and ensure the delivery of undivided quality into every other process in line with the company’s overarching goal.

Better Adoption of Hybrid Work Patterns

One positive thing that the Pandemic brought to light is that it is possible for every organization or company to have different significant levels with talents working from home. Many organizations that believed it would be quite impossible for effective functionality with employees or talents working remotelyOpens in a new tab. were delighted to find out that such implementations could work after the global shutdown.

HR functioned quite significantly with talents working from home or safety in 2020, and the global success of such implementation improved the process in 2021. In 2022, however, remote workOpens in a new tab. functionality is expected to have broader and more extensive coverage.

Tech firms will significantly benefit from a Hybrid WorkOpens in a new tab. trend as most employed talents can function from home and still deliver progressively. For example, SEOBrothers, an SEO and Content creator/management agency, adopted this model in 2021 and sought to expand the model in 2022.

Other less tech-inclined firms can also implement a hybrid work pattern. Though implementation will be at varying degrees as some organizations will still need a significant on-site human capital.

Better Talent Allocation within Structures

Companies have formerly depended on external talent acquisition and heavy outsourcing of tasks to get some things done. However, in 2022, the watchword is efficiency, and many organizations, instead of outsourcing or recruiting more talents, will instead carry out in-house recruiting and reallocating of talents to drive effectiveness. Human resources management will be heavily concerned with developing talents within the structure and allocating them to different departments as necessary.

This trend in HR will help companies cut the costs of including new talents on their payroll and improve talents’ skills and abilities in a competitive marketplace. Some companies are already implementing this trend, but they are still on the fewer side. More companies will eventually implement the process to get the best out of their employees.

Developing Employee Skills for Competitive Edge

While the third point above states the importance of internal recruiting and relocation to drive effectiveness and cut costs, this one states that companies will need to develop talent skills to improve their overall competitive edge.

Companies will look forward to developing their employees to become much more efficient and perform better in a stiff environment with lots of competitors. Organizations will include more training workshops for employees, enroll them in certified programs and teach them practical skills that help them excel better in their relative positions and more.

Another inventive way that companies will look to develop talents is to encourage them to develop innovative ideas and set small out-of-the-box tasks to make the company’s goal and advantage more significant.

Emphasis on Employees Satisfaction

Organizations will look forward to ensuring more customer satisfaction in 2022, which is unnegotiable. In years before, employees generally dedicated their services to one organization and fulfilled given projects to ensure retention. In recent years, however, employees are not keen to live out their working yearsOpens in a new tab. with just one firm, especially if they perceive there is no real model for personal and skill development. In the US alone, working adults between the ages of 18 to 24 are changing jobs up to 5.7 times.

Human resources management will look to curb this trend by heavily investing in employees’ satisfaction, including creating a conducive work environment, lenient demands on deliveries, and many more.

Building a Diverse & Inclusive Workforce

One trend that will be on the rise in 2022 is the need for HR experts to recruit talents through inclusive and diversity initiatives. This strategy, according to experts, will help boost the growth of organizations from different fronts.

By diversity and inclusion, companies will increase their recruitment of employees with different orientations, races, beliefs, and perspectives. Employing different talents is expected to improve and enlarge companies’ overall skills and capabilities as all recruits will bring special methods and skills to hit goals. Organizations can benefit from these diversities to gain a competitive edge.

HR getting involved in Transformation

One important role that HR is expected to play in 2022 is to be at the forefront of every innovation and transformation. Human resources experts are increasingly looking to give their organizations the advantage with different tools. One of them is to ensure that employees and talents align with companies’ evolving decisions on growth, development, and transition.

This trend will be a refreshing change from the popular slow-to-act HR departments that wait for management decisions and act as mere passive followers.

Ethical Use of Tech

HR recruiting professionals already use technology in employing talents. However, recent debacles have shown that the employment of technology in the workplace is still far from perfect. The recent UK drivers’ allegations of the Uber app being racially discriminatory have again proven that recruitment and management of employees could be used unethically and cause unnecessary and hurtful profiling of some races.

In 2022, HRs will opt to use technology ethically to ensure employee recruitment and management processesOpens in a new tab.. This will, in turn, lead to a better environment and eventually encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplaceOpens in a new tab..

Developing People Analytics through Data Literacy

People Analytics is an important trend in human resource management that has played a huge role in helping companies effectively develop their workforce and overall productivity. However, one of the major challenges that this very effective HR tool faces is the lack of proper employment of data literacy among most HR professionals. Insignificant use of data has led to a let-down in specifically identifying people that perform extremely well in an organization.

Fortunately, the void of data literacy to effectively analyze employee performance has become more obvious among organizations. As a result, It is expected that more HR managers will incorporate data literacy to ensure better people analytics.

Prioritize Employee Health

The COVID 19 has proven that employees' health is extremely important, and an organization that seeks to get the best out of its human resourcesOpens in a new tab. must prioritize the well-being of its employees. Employees’ demand for better healthcare increased throughout 2020 and 2021, and this goes a long way to prove that employees and talents will only perform better when they believe they are well valued.

HRs experts are expected to prioritize counseling and therapy sessions, sick bays or sick leave, and better free hours for employees.

Key Takeaway

This article has considered the HR trends that should be expected in 2022, and some of the key takeaways include:

● Better Care for employees

● Skill and Personal Developments for employees

● Cut on Cost for Employers

● Better use Of Data in performing People Analytics

● Better Technology Incorporation by HR Professionals


One certainty of expected HR trends for 2022 is that the framework already on the ground will significantly improve. Companies and organizations will seek to streamline their employed talents and ensure no extra unnecessary load affects their productivity and efficiency. Future HR trends will be more purposeful and positively demanding. This trend will help ensure that only evolving and ever-growing employed talents dominate the workspace. The biggest winners will be teachable and self-developing talents and recruiting companies.

About the Author:

Alex Lysak is the CEO at SeobrotherslvOpens in a new tab. and has more than 10+ years of experience in the marketing world. He is a specialist in promoting and advancing iGaming projects and related services. Lysak works with an efficient and productive team that includes product managers and skillful staff intended to become number one in the iGaming World.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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