7 Ways to Improve Your Business Process Management

When it comes to a successful business undertaking, business process management is one of the most important aspects to consider. Just like a building, things get a bit more complicated with the growth of companies which demands proper tracking and increased activities. 

As a business owner, you will need to be more careful during these times otherwise your productivity, quality, and efficiency may be affected as well as your employee enthusiasm and confidence. 

To keep the workplace orderly and organized, business processOpens in a new tab. management is important as it helps keep your operations smooth while guiding your employees and keeping the clients happy.

Understanding Business Process

In order to understand the importance of business process, first, it’ll be good to understand what it really is. This is a series of actions or steps taken by a business to reach its objectives. These actions or steps can be categorized as either formal or informal.  

On the one hand, formal processes are also referred to as procedures and are accepted as standard practices with traditional steps that should be followed to the end. On the other hand, informal processes are created by employees in the process of work for their own application. 

These may look like workflows but they’re only followed by the individual who came up with them or a few people within the company. Having looked at business processes, let’s look at business process management and see what it is.

Business Process Management – What is it?

Considering that business process is a set of actions or steps taken to accomplish given goals in a business, business process management, therefore, is the practice of reviewing these actions periodically in order to improve them and ensure they’re progressive and in tune with the needs of employees and customers and times as well.  

The management process may include reviews and decisions made by the company leadership from time to time. The reviews though tough may be essential in helping the business processes stay relevant and highly effective in helping with the achievement of business objectives. But where do you start? How do you effectively improve the businessOpens in a new tab. process management to make sure everything is streamlined and up-to-date? Here are some steps to help you stay on top of things:-

1. Assess the processes and see what’s effective and what’s not

Regular evaluation of the processes will help you find out what’s outdated and what’s still effective. This way, you can eliminate what’s not necessary and helpful to the business and create some room for improvement or new actions that need to be embraced. 

To efficiently do this, it’s always good to engage the people who are directly involved with the processes and find out if the processes are effective and of help to them. As you involve them, you’ll get to understand their challenges and ideas of what they may want to be included or added in order to be more effective. 

This does not mean you’ll embrace everything but the employees’ feedback is necessary as it gives you an idea of what needs to be done in order to streamline the processes and improve on them. 

2. Set targets and goals

Setting targets and goals for your business is a good way to help it prosper and grow continually while exceeding your customers’ expectations. These goals and targets should be broken into small bits but with the aim of achieving the company’s ultimate objective. 

Break down the major goals into smaller and manageable tasks and projects which should be completed within a short span of time and in a timely manner. As you do this, the process must be mindful of all the major players. 

As such, involving these players is important when setting the indexes and goals for the team. The goals and yardsticks you set must be realistic, measurable, and doable.

3. Communicate Changes

Once you set targets and goals with the major players, communicating with the rest within the company is very essential. Clear communication is an important ingredient for any progress and this is true when it comes to the management of business processes. 

If some systems, processes and teams were found to be redundant during the review process, getting rid of them and implementing new ones is necessary. Once you reach an agreement, you will need to communicate with the entire team and if possible run a pilot first to deal with any teething problems likely to arise. 

Planning and managing this process is important otherwise the changes might hit a snag and resistance from the employees resulting in failure. Use all the necessary channels to communicate any changes and carry all along with you.

4. Automate as much as possible

Automation of your company is key in this digital era. This will help the company to progress and as such you should consider every available opportunity to automate. 

Automation helps enhance efficiency while at the same time making the processes more rewarding for your team. You’ll have a lot that needs this consideration ranging from employee on-boarding to lead generation as a result of data gathered from live chat.  

Make sure to automate sales initiatives, data collection and reports thus freeing more time for your team to engage in other important tasks. Automation enhances workflows while reducing frustrations.

5. Obtain resources

The new processes will need resources to implement. As such, you need to acquire the necessary resources to help empower your team and carry out a smooth process. Make sure to list all that is needed with the help of the department heads and senior managers. 

Communicate with all in the team and make sure they understand the process and how it’s meant to benefit the whole organization. 

6. Aim For Quality

Your business processes must be geared towards meeting your customers’ needs and doing so qualitatively. Happy customers are loyal customers and will help grow your business as ambassadors. 

This process calls for effective CX strategies that will help connect with your clients who’re like the engine of your business. What does CX meanOpens in a new tab. and how can you achieve the best results through it? CX which is a short form of customer experience has to do with meeting your customers’ needs and expectations. 

This involves interacting with the customers in their journey with your brand. As such, make sure your services are accessible and efficient, pricing is transparent and you have a reliable customer support mechanism in form of active and live support. 

This will help build a long-lasting relationship with your customers. Have everyone in the company understand the importance of quality and commit towards providing quality services. 

7. Listen to feedback

Having done all the above, your new business processes are in place and it’s time to closely evaluate them and see how effective they are. 

Some may need regular fine-tuning and improvement as everyone in the company gets to work towards the realization of the objectives. As part of the process management, listen to feedback coming from your teams and customers as well. While customers may not be involved in the implementation of the changes, they will be affected by the same. What are they saying? What’s their experience as they interact with the business? 

Do the system works well for them or does it erect hurdles and roadblocks that’d hinder their continued loyalty to you? Listen to feedback and keep changing where necessary. Feedback is essential and changes continuously. 


Business processes aren’t cast in stone and as such, you’ll always have some room for improvement. As you manage the process, keep identifying any root causes and address them as opposed to dealing with the symptoms. 

This will help you build some long-term solutions that will deal with any challenges and keep them at bay. The business process management improvement steps will also help your business save on time and money while spurring growth in the process. 

Always remember that CX strategies will keep evolving and all your team members must be on top of the game to implement them. The end result is to see happy customers who stick with you as your business grows both in sales and worth.  

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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