What Are The Best Practices When Working From Anywhere?

Good news! Working from anywhere Opens in a new tab.is here to stay. Many companies now offer their employees the choice of where to work. This business move gives teams autonomy and flexibility to grow and contribute to the company.

But working from anywhere can challenge productivityOpens in a new tab. when you don’t have good work practices. Being consistent and accountable is central to being productive in working from anywhere. Work practices can boost performance and promote professional growth. 

7 Best Practices to be Successful When Working from Anywhere 

1. Create Consistent Work Routines

Choose a designated workplace and follow a regular workday schedule. This practice helps cue your brain that it’s time to focus. Of course, working from anywhere means your workplaceOpens in a new tab. isn’t just the four corners of the office. But you still need to separate your spaces by functionality.

Designating areas for different things can boost your work performance. It will also allow you to disconnect and relax in your downtime. 

A regular work schedule means having fixed times for work and breaks. For example, you can assign schedules for:

  • Checking emails
  • Writing reports, and
  • Performing other tasks

For teams, set times for meetings, calls, and brainstorming sessions. That can create the impression of working together even when apart.

Alaine LayawenOpens in a new tab., Corporate Real Estate Consultant & Bespoke Suit Curator, shares:

“Work from anywhere for me is an exercise on discipline and accountability.” 

By sticking to a schedule, you can be more productive and get more things done.

2. Limit Distractions

Limit your distractionsOpens in a new tab. by pinpointing what takes your attention from work. If clutter distracts you, keep your workplace hygienicOpens in a new tab.. The look and feel of your workplace affect your performance. So, ensure your space is encouraging. 

Do you get distracted by your phone when you’re supposed to work? You’re not alone. After all, the internet is at your fingertips. But procrastinating affects your work performance and time management. Instead, you can:

  • Schedule brief internet use during breaks, or
  • Use software extensions to block social media notifications

Working from anywhere lets you stay near your family and have time for them. Set reasonable expectations with them when you’re working. That will help ensure a peaceful work environment.

3. Communicate Your Needs Clearly

CommunicationOpens in a new tab. and team connection are vital for working from anywhere. Just because you’re working by yourself doesn’t mean you’re alone at work. When working separately, check-ins and task updates ensure workflow. In addition, being proactive and reaching out to fellow team members can ease work difficulties.

Good communication channels depend on both employers and employees. Sarah MereiOpens in a new tab., Global Operational Support Coordinator at Steople (PeopleScape) Pty Ltd., says:

Good workplace culture is so much more than just providing Friday night
drinks. It’s feeling psychologically safe to share your thoughts and opinions,
making (and owning) mistakes and being supported to improve rather than
fearing retribution.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions or clarification to complete your tasks and achieve professional growth. 

4. Get the Tools You Need

Now that everything is online and in the cloud, you need working tech supplies Opens in a new tab.and a stable internet connection. Having the right tools at your disposal makes working smoother. Joel ManbyOpens in a new tab., CEO and Founder of Love Works, LLC, shares:

“Staying up-to-date on the best technologies can be daunting, but doing so will
help you prepare for future implementation of that technology when the time

You can read our article on tech tools every modern business should useOpens in a new tab.. It is an in-depth look into the tools that can boost your team’s productivity.  

5. Protect Sensitive Information

When working with sensitive or confidential informationOpens in a new tab., take the necessary steps to protect your files. For example, be careful when connecting to unprotected servers in public places. You should also attend to your work devices when you’re outside.

Make changing passwords on work accounts and updating your software a habit. CybersecurityOpens in a new tab. should be at the forefront of your mind when working from anywhere. 

6. Maintain Healthy Boundaries And Lifestyle Choices

Working from anywhere gives you the best of work and personal life if you maintain healthy boundaries. Liz RyanOpens in a new tab., Founder, and CEO, of Human Workplace, shares:

“It’s healthy and appropriate to set boundaries at work, not only for employees
sake but for the sake of employers as well.”

Setting and maintaining work boundaries Opens in a new tab.ensures you don’t jeopardize your productivity. They also strengthen your commitment to the company. Employees are less likely to get stressed and burnt out when both parties fulfill expectations. Employers can also expect consistent company growth. 

Make good lifestyle choices, such as:

  • Stretching during your break
  • Eating a balanced diet, and
  • Taking time off when you’re unwell

Work boundaries can be challenging to manage. But they benefit your health and professional growth. Stop when you’re done working and log off to replenish your energy. Maintaining your work boundaries can energize you when you return to work the next day.   

7. Look for Growth Opportunities

Opportunities to growOpens in a new tab. in your field are limitless when you work from anywhere. Iain KerrOpens in a new tab., an Innovation Strategist & Co-founder at Emergent Futures Lab, shares:

The key to creativity and innovation is not simply focusing on making new
things but on developing practices, processes, and environments that push
anything (new or old) towards novel modalities.”

Many paths are available to you for career and personal growth as long as you actively pursue them.

Be strategic with your time and available resources. You can attend your company’s online training events or request in-person training. There are also learning opportunities outside your company that deal with software and other relevant skills. 

Related Questions

1. How do you ensure these practices become lifelong habits?

Holding yourself accountable can go a long way in turning practices into habits. Start simple and be consistent when improving your workday schedule. You should set realistic expectations based on your capabilities. Finally, a positive start to your workday can help you maintain regular habits. 

2. How do you overcome communication challenges when working from anywhere?

Do you experience public speaking issues? You can always practice before team updates or one-on-one meetings. Communicate regularly with your team to ensure everyone’s on the same page. Make sure you are visible at work by being available during office hours. If you are experiencing other problems, our articleOpens in a new tab. tackles how to rise above workplace challenges.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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