Will Work From Anywhere be an Effective Employee Retention Strategy This 2023?

The work-from-anywhere setup lets employees work from outside a traditional office setting. Also known as remote work, you could work from home, a co-working space, or a café. With advances in technology, more companies are offering this option.

Working from anywhere seems to provide numerous benefits for employers and workers. But this begs the question — how will it affect employee retention? The short answer is: working from anywhere may have positive effects. In this piece, we’ll expound on the benefits of the setup and why it helps companies retain employees.

The Positive Effect Of Working From Anywhere On Employee Retention

Research suggests that work from anywhere can make employees want to stay. One study found that remote workers are 25% less likely to quit their jobs. That figure is compared to those who work in a usual office setting. This is likely due to these factors:

1. Workspace Flexibility And Control

The setup gives employees greater space and control over their work environment. Many people find they are more productive and motivated when they can choose where they work.

This can be appealing to employees who have other commitments. That includes those caring for children or elderly parents or living far.

Johnny TaylorOpens in a new tab., president & CEO at SHRM, words it best:

Time and time again, research has shown that top-quality benefits are necessary to drive engagement and ensure the well-being of your teams. Paid time off, flexible work options, and mental health days WILL drive better work and improve retention.

2. Reduced Stress And Burnout

The setup can improve retention by reducing stress and burnout. Working from home or a co-working space can eliminate long commutes. This is often a major source of stress for many.

Louis AielloOpens in a new tab., The Walt Disney Company’s Project Manager, shares:

Wasting time commuting back and forth has been known to sync up with increased levels of stress and anxiety. Research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues including high cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, and depression. Cutting back on a commute can save time and increase mental health support.

3. Tailored Workspace

Working from anywhere lets employees create a space tailored to their needs and preferences. That can make their work experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

4. Convenience And Cost

Work-from-anywhere makes it easier for companies to attract and retain top talent. Its flexibility and freedom attract skilled workers. They are likely to consider companies that let them work from anywhere. 

That can be helpful for employers in areas that are costly or have a limited pool of local talent.

Bryan RiggsOpens in a new tab., ServiceNow’s Implementation Manager, highlights this:

Like [life] balance is so very important and the talent spread across the country is deep.

The Benefits Of Working From Anywhere

Aside from the previous factors, working from anywhere has more to offer. Companies can use the setup to improve employee retention by focusing on crucial benefits. For example, it can promote work-life balance.

As Nathan JohnstonOpens in a new tab., director at Altbe, words it: 

Interesting survey results from millennial workers. These are the top 5 things they want in a job. In order of importance: 1) Good work-life balance. 2) Opportunities to progress. 3)Flexibility in their roles. 4) A sense of meaning from their work. 5) Tools to develop professionally.

The setup can cater to many sectors of the workforce. In particular, working from anywhere can help employees who:

  • Have ailments or chronic health conditions
  • Have experienced harassment or prejudice in the office setting
  • Want to pursue further education or training
  • Want to start their own business
  • Live abroad or want to travel
  • Want to work part-time or on a flexible schedule 
  • Want to work remotely on a temporary, intermittent, or permanent basis

Employers can also use the work arrangement to cater to employees who:

  • Are seeking to relocate
  • Experience difficulty finding housing or transportation
  • Are returning to work after an extended absence
  • Want to transition to a new career or industry

Reduced Costs Of Operation

The work-from-anywhere setup has another particular benefit that we want to highlight for employers. It can reduce the costs of operation.

By removing the need for office space, utilities, and overhead expenses, companies can save. That can be crucial for small businesses or startups with tight budgets.

The Challenges Of The Work-From-Anywhere Arrangement

Work-from-anywhere is not a one-size-fits-all solution. While it can benefit many employees, it is only suitable for some. Others may find it hard to work without the structure and social support of an office. Here are other challenges of working from anywhere:

Leadership And Teamwork

It can be harder for managers to lead and collaborate with remote teams effectively. This can be challenging for companies not used to managing remote workers. They may require additional training and support for managers. Leaders need to adapt their management styles and communication methods to support remote teams.

Company Culture And Community

The setup can make it hard for companies to build a strong company culture. The same goes for fostering a sense of community within the business. When employees are not in the same office, it can be harder to create a sense of connection and shared purpose.

This is challenging. It is more so for those that rely on company culture to attract and retain talent.

Becks RedpathOpens in a new tab., culture & brand consultant & writer, says it best in this comment:

We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves and to add value to the world. It give[s] us meaning and as a result, we grow and so does the company.

Other challenges come with this setup. You can read about them in our article, “6 Challenges to Overcome When Hiring Remote WorkersOpens in a new tab..”

So, how do companies ensure the setup will succeed? How can it have positive effects on employee retention? Employers must have clear policies and guidelines in place. That must include the following:

  • Providing employees with the necessary technology and tools
  • Setting expectations for contact and teamwork
  • Establishing protocols for tracking progress and performance

Companies must also provide employees with resources and support. These things will help them manage the challenges of remote work. Take time management and output training, for example.

To Wrap Up

Working from anywhere can help boost employee retention. It offers greater space and control over work environments. That lets companies create a positive and enjoyable experience to keep employees engaged and motivated.

But employers must consider the unique needs and challenges of their people carefully. They also need clear policies and guidelines to ensure the setup succeeds.

Related Questions

1. How can companies improve the experience of their employees?

The work-from-anywhere setup poses many challenges. But employers can improve the experience of their workforce by making policies that consider employee needs. Read more about it in our piece, “7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Employee Experience StrategyOpens in a new tab..”

2. How can employees work from anywhere effectively?

Just as employers need policies to transition to this setup, employees must adjust their work habits. For example, they can set regular hours and pick a dedicated space. You can read more in our piece, “16 Tips for Working From Home SuccessfullyOpens in a new tab..”

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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