7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Employee Experience Strategy

The employee experience is important for any fast-growing company. Just as companies invest in customer experiences to offer them the best services possible, business owners must now look at their employees in the same way. If your employees are your best assets, which they should be, investing in the employee experience is one way to take care of them and help them develop, all while making them loyal team members.

But that’s not all. A positive employee experience will impact everything from recruitment and retention to productivity and company goals. When organizations get employee experience right, they can achieve twice as much customer satisfaction and innovation, and generate more profit than companies that don’t.

If you are wondering how you can achieve this, below we share some of the simplest ways to improve your employee experience strategy.

Find the Focus Area and Start There

Working through your entire employee experience can feel overwhelming. Start by identifying what you should focus on. What challenges is the company facing? If you are heading into an expansive phase with large recruitment volumes, for instance, it may be appropriate to focus on recruitment and onboarding. If you have a high staff turnover, perhaps offboarding is what you should focus on.

Remember that employee experience is about seeing everyday work from the employee’s perspective and creating an employee-centric culture. What gives the employee success, and how can you contribute to the employee reaching their goals and development? It can be about the physical work environment and technical conditions, but also about cooperation, leadership, and trust. So, do your best to find the factors that make the employee feel respected, appreciated, and included.

Offer Growth Opportunities

The most important way of improving your employee experience strategy is by focusing on your employees’ growth. High-performing employees will only remain in jobs that challenge them and provide meaning so you must offer them continuous learningOpens in a new tab. opportunities so they can grow and become more efficient.

It’s a great way to provide your team members with an opportunity for development and boosting engagement. This not only benefits your employees but also contributes to the overall company’s success. In this way, you can guide future leaders that are truly invested in your company and know the ins and outs of the business. Ultimately, this will help you improve employee retention.

This strategy might sound like a no-brainer but it is essential if you want to boost engagement, provide your employees with new skills, foster a culture of improvement, and scale your operations.

Introduce a Remote Option

Whether you like it or not, many employees nowadays expect to have the option of working remotely. A large percentage of employees say that flexible scheduling and remote work option can significantly boost their experience and loyalty.

Even if you are not able to provide fully remote roles, why not look at more hybrid options? To make this a viable option, try to work with front-line managers to separate roles that must be carried out on-site all the time, identify the duties in each role that can be done effectively while remote, determine the number of time people in each need to be on-site versus remote to do the job, and offer employees hybrid options based on the ratios.

Focus On Building a Strong Company Culture

When looking to create a positive employee experience, you must take a second and observe whether the company culture is good. Are people happy to work with each other, are they engaged in their work and concerned about the company’s overall success? These are the key factors when creating a positive company culture.

Company culture can be described as an expression of the values, attitudes, and behaviors that prevail in a company or an organization. When it’s done right, a clear company culture is a good way to keep the business under control. Employees know what behaviors are rewarded and what they should do to fit in with the company’s values.

A positive company culture is crucial to an organization’s long-term success. It creates growth and has a strong impact on employee motivation and experience. Rules, frameworks, guidelines, and processes are of course also important, but it’s often the culture that determines whether these rules are followed or not. 

Building a strong organizational culture takes a lot of work, and it looks different in every company. But below we share some factors you need to keep in mind:

Clear Mission

A clear and inspiring mission can give an organization the right boost. The description needs to be short and easy so that everyone can remember. Getting employees motivated and passionate about the mission is crucial to the success of an organization. It is this that gets the employees to go to work every day and gives them meaning and a sense of direction in their everyday life.

Recognition and Praise

Frequent constructive and positive feedback is often characteristic of an organization with a strong company culture. By encouraging employees to give each other recognition in front of others, collective self-confidence is created, which is often reflected in how the company acts in the market. A strong positive culture is contagious and makes it easier to attract new customers and new enthusiastic employees, and create a better employee experience.

Listen, Understand, and Act on Employee Feedback

To create a better employee experience strategy, you must collect feedbackOpens in a new tab. continuously and make sure to measure the relevant metrics, so that you can see a before and after effect.

To understand the data that is collected, a coherent analysis of several different touchpoints that occur during the employee journey is required. The important thing is not to compare statistics, but to be able to interpret trends, see patterns and detect early warning signals. By visualizing and compiling an overview, you can evaluate different options and effects.

The final step is inevitably about reacting to the feedback received. A truly committed leader takes advantage of the knowledge they collect and put it into action, otherwise, the company will end up with disengaged and unsatisfied employees. Only when you dedicate time and effort to acting on this feedback will you begin creating good changes in your company culture.

Use the Right Tools

There are numerous ways to improve the employee experience ranging from delivering fantastic communication to providing workers with meaningful work.

However, if you do not use the right tools, these changes will be hard to implement. To support your employees in the very best way, look for tools that can help you increase productivityOpens in a new tab., streamlines communications, and encourage a positive employee experience.

Involve the Entire Organization

Employee experience is a responsibility that extends beyond the HR department. It should permeate the entire organization and be a natural part of how you communicate with and treat each other. Encourage and create the conditions for employees to live the company’s core values in everyday life as it will help create a strong corporate culture, which in turn lays the foundation for a positive employee experience.

Final Thoughts

The employee experience includes everything from the employee’s attitude, milestones, and the overall relationship they have with their employer. If you wish to boost employee engagement and positively impact the company culture, consider the tips above and you’ll be able to improve your employee experience strategy.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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