How To Make Working From Home More Fun – And Have The Space For It

The pandemic has shifted the way we work, and many of us have found ourselves working from home for extended periods, if not permanently. While it can be very exciting initially, remote work isn’t a perfect solution – it can still become dull and monotonous, which leads to burnout and decreased productivity. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to take steps to make working from home a more enjoyable experience.

How to prevent burnout when working from home

Create a dedicated workspace

Working from home can blur the lines between personal and professional life, leading to distractions and difficulty focusing on work. The trick is to establish boundaries between the two. Creating a dedicated working area will help separate the two and make it easier to get into your “working” headspace and stay productive. Choose a well-lit spot that is comfortable and away from noise or other distractions. Don’t be afraid to decorate this area with plants, pictures, or other items that inspire you.

Establish a routine. Then break it!

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is the lack of structure – the established cues of getting dressed, commuting, and getting into the office all go out the window.

Having a routine can help you stay organized and motivated while working remotely, but this goes beyond your work routine. Since you’re not commuting, you can start your day with a healthy breakfast and some exercise to get your mind and body ready for work. Plan your workday ahead of time and make a to-do list to help you maintain focus. Take breaks throughout the day and make sure to clock out at a designated time to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Routines can get boring, however, so don’t be afraid to change things up. If you’re working in one spot all day, consider moving to a different location in your home or outside if the weather is nice. Change the layout of your home office or experiment with new tools and programs for your job. 

How to make work from home more fun

Use video conferencing

One of the downsides of remote work is the lack of face-to-face interaction with colleagues. Sure, email and messaging are convenient, but they can be quite isolating. Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Teams aren’t just for meetings! Connecting with coworkers and clients more directly will provide some of that much-needed in-person experience we need as social beings. It can make work more engaging, and you can have a quick chat with coworkers during breaks.

Listen to music

Music is an excellent way to boost productivityOpens in a new tab. and make your day more enjoyable overall. Create a playlist of songs that help you focus. This can be anything from Erik Satie or Jeff Mills – it’s your office, and you pick the music. There are plenty of permanently live YouTube streams that play 24-hour music for study and work. Sites like Spotify also have catered playlists to keep you going. And if you feel like it, take a 5-minute dance break instead of a stretch!

Take back your commute time

Working from home means more free time, especially if you’re no longer wasting time commuting! What have you always wanted to try but never had the time for? Use this extra time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. This can give you a sense of accomplishment outside of work and make you feel more fulfilled.

You can also use that time to focus on your health and well-being through physical activity. Sports teach you to be adaptable and self-disciplined, the two things you need to thrive while working remotely. Sports help you manage your mental and physical activity effectively – you need to know when to push yourself and when to rest to avoid burnout or injury – just like working from home! 

A recent study found that people are increasingly using their free time to explore themselves and the world through extreme sportsOpens in a new tab., so check out popular sports in your area – chances are there are plenty of gyms or designated areas for practicing nearby. Turn that one-hour commute into a one-hour training session that will improve your health and your mood. Naturally, living in a location that already has access to your favorite adrenaline-inducing activity can help.

If you need to cool off after a long day of work, there’s no better place than Florida. The Miami-Fort Lauderdale area is the top jet skiing destination in a state where jet skiing is king. The nearby beaches of Biscayne Bay and South Beach also provide excellent opportunities to ride the waves at high speed, all within easy reach. 

If you’re more into exploration and connecting with nature, as increasing numbers of Americans seem to be, Nevada and it’s Red Rock Canyon offers top-class rock-climbing opportunities for all levels. It’s accessible year-round, and it’s only a stone’s throw away from Las Vegas. 

Ever wanted to try bungee jumping? Los Angeles, CA, will feed your need for speed and heights without a problem. It’s got the famous Bridge to Nowhere, a classic bungee jumping spot that also involves a pleasant hike through the mountains. 

Room to work and room to breathe

For most of us, our homes were never intended to serve as a workplace, and remote work can pose a challenge if you don’t have a lot of space. Fortunately, there are many ways to create more space in your home office, no matter how small it is.

The first step is to declutter your working area. Get rid of items you don’t need – old papers, broken office supplies, outdated technology – and keep things tidy. Use boxes and folders to keep your workspace clean and organized. This will help create a more spacious environment that leaves room for ideas and makes concentrating easier.

Sitting for extended periods can lead to health issues like back pain and poor posture, which in turn leads to poor circulation and so on. A standing desk not only helps mitigate these problems, reducing strain and improving posture but can also make your workspace roomier – you can use the space under the desk to store work-related items or anything else that would otherwise be in the way. 

There’s one item in a home office that takes up more square footage than anything else – the work desk itself. Consider using a wall-mounted desk that you can fold away after you’re done for the day. Maximize your use of vertical space as well, by using shelves and bookcases. A well-organized room looks and feels bigger. 

Don’t forget about cable management! If you work with several pieces of technology like printers, scanners, and registers, you might find your floor being taken up by all the various cables that come with them. Desk grommets, cord covers or even simple zip ties can help keep your cables out of the way and even prevent nasty trips and falls.

Multifunctional furniture can also go a long way toward freeing up space. Many of the items in your home can already serve this function. A filing cabinet can also double as a printer stand, or a wall-mounted desk can have shelves underneath that act like a bookcase when folded – there you can keep your work-related items during off hours.

Unused furniture should be moved to another room or into a storage unitOpens in a new tab. – these are great for quickly freeing up space while still keeping your belongings safe. They’re also much more cost-effective than renting a bigger home. 

Making your work more fun can have significant benefits for your productivity, well-being, and overall job satisfaction. By implementing some of the tips and strategies discussed in this article, such as creating an airy and comfortable workspace, connecting with colleagues, and taking creative breaks, you can create a more enjoyable and fulfilling work-from-home experience. 

Remember that everyone’s work-from-home situation is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to experiment until you make your workspace truly your own!

FAQs Covered in this Article

Q: What are some ways to make working from home more enjoyable?

A: The article suggests various ways to make working from home more enjoyable, including creating a designated workspace, personalizing the workspace, incorporating plants, taking regular breaks, connecting with colleagues, setting boundaries, and engaging in fun activities during breaks.

Q: Why is it important to create a designated workspace when working from home?

A: A designated workspace helps maintain a separation between work and personal life, improves focus and productivity, and minimizes distractions. It also helps create a routine and signals to your brain that it’s time for work when you enter the space.

Q: How can personalizing your workspace enhance your work-from-home experience?

A: Personalizing your workspace with items that inspire and motivate you can create a positive and enjoyable work environment, making you more productive and less stressed.

Q: What are the benefits of incorporating plants into a home workspace?

A: Plants can improve air quality, reduce stress, increase productivity, and enhance the overall aesthetic of your workspace.

Q: Why are regular breaks important while working from home?

A: Regular breaks help prevent burnout, reduce stress, and maintain productivity by giving your brain a chance to rest and recharge.

Q: How can employees stay connected with colleagues while working from home?

A: Employees can stay connected with colleagues through virtual meetings, instant messaging, social media, and virtual team-building activities.

Q: What are some tips for setting boundaries when working from home?

A: Tips for setting boundaries include establishing a consistent work schedule, communicating your availability to colleagues, creating a designated workspace, and prioritizing self-care during non-working hours.

Q: What are some fun activities that employees can engage in during breaks while working from home?

A: Fun activities during breaks can include stretching or exercising, engaging in a hobby, connecting with friends and family, taking a walk outside, or watching a short video or show for a mental break.

Q: Can a small living space be adapted for working from home?

A: Yes, even small living spaces can be adapted for working from home. By utilizing vertical space, multipurpose furniture, and creative storage solutions, you can create a functional and enjoyable workspace in a limited area.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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