6 Best Ways to Find a Remote Job in 2023

Remote jobs offer you excellent freedom to work from anywhere you like. In addition, this job increases job-seekers’ opportunities since listings come from all over the world and employers are not only limited to hiring locals but foreigners too. 

According to the latest 2023 statistics, 62% of companies are planning more remote work now and at least one-fifth of companies worldwide have gone entirely remote. But, of course, the future will offer us much more work from home, so there’s no running away from it. 

In the modern day and age, there are plenty of methods for finding a remote job, so in this article, we will show you the best ways to do so. 

What are the types of remote work? 

Since the beginning of the pandemic, most employers have come to realize that office jobs can be done from home. However, jobs like being a waiter, cashier, nurse, or doctor, might be an issue because you are required to work on-site. 

That being said, what are the top industries that offer remote work? 

  • IT/Programming 
  • Data management/entry 
  • Web design
  • Marketing and sales 
  • Copywriting 
  • Editing 
  • Accounting 
  • Web editing, copy editing
  • Being a social media influencer and more 

6 Ways you can find a remote job in 2023

  1. Clarify if a remote job is a right fit for you 

The first step to getting a remote job is to know whether you can work remotely or not. Working remotely might be a better choice for some, but it requires self-management, self-motivation, dedication, time management, and more. 

Additionally, it’s quite challenging to stay focused when an office structure isn’t on track to continuously check you. However, this isn’t the case for those who are focused, disciplined and effectively manage their time. 

Switching to remote workOpens in a new tab. requires you to stay comfortable with technology because it involves online video conferencing, online chatting and working with different software. Nevertheless, before you look for a remote job, here are the many benefits it has to offer: 

  • No time wasted traveling 
  • More family time 
  • No office stress
  • Flexibility to work from anywhere around the globe
  • Save up on uniforms since you don’t need to spend money on buying work clothes and others 

However, the only thing to keep in mind while working remotely is to have a balance. You don’t want to overwork or stay inside for long periods of time. This might have a direct impact on your psychological health. 

  1. Create a cover letter 

Cover letters are one of the most effective ways to find a remote job. Since there may be many applicants online, cover letters can be an excellent way of distinguishing yourself from other applicants. Statistics show that applicants who use a cover letter are up to 16% more likelyOpens in a new tab. to get a job interview than those who didn’t. 

Each industry has its own level of competitiveness, but the more applicants an industry has, the more effective your cover letter will be. Hence, here are the most competitive industries to be in: 

  • Software engineering 
  • Hospitality 
  • Traveling 
  • Shopping 
  • Technological 

For example, let’s say you are a software engineer and you want to write a cover letter. A software engineer cover letter templateOpens in a new tab. can be an excellent idea to help you write one. 

On the other hand, maybe you don’t have enough experience writing a cover letter, so using a cover letter might be a better idea. Below, you can see an excellent example of what an excellent cover letter for a software engineer looks like. 

  1. Browse through social media

Social media networks like LinkedIn are excellent sources of finding a remote job. LinkedIn offers you filters that you can use for finding remote jobs. Millions of remote jobs are available daily on LinkedIn, and you can filter them out if they are for beginners, intermediates, or experts. 

On LinkedIn, the best part is that you can directly communicate with hiring managers and even see the hiring frames on their profile pictures. Moreover, you can learn more about the company you wish to apply to and the hiring manager can give you updates about the job directly instead of communicating by email. 

Moreover, you can create job alerts to tell you more about available remote jobs in the future. Also, the more followers you have, your profile will be exposed on LinkedIn. 

  1. Browse through job sites 

There are plenty of remote job sitesOpens in a new tab. to find a job. Knowing these places or remote job boards is always important for finding such work. Here are a few sites we recommend you use to find the most suitable job for you. You see many more details about your remote job on the following job sites: 

  • Indeed 
  • LinkedIn
  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Glassdoor
  • Fiver
  • We Work Remotely and more 

Each job site is unique in its own way. However, keep in mind, as we mentioned before, LinkedIn is the only site that acts like a social media platform out of all the other job sites. 

Indeed and Glassdoor are the same company, so job posters posted on one of the platforms will be on the other too. Glassdoor has a significant advantage over other job sites since it shows reviews about the company and salary expectations. Glassdoor might be the right site for you if you are highly concerned about the salary. 

Other sites are quite similar to each other, but all of them allow you to filter remote work, so everything is easy to learn here. 

  1. Write a good resume 

Resumes can give employers a good first impression of you and are essential in getting a remote job. In addition, an excellent resume is powerful enough to open new opportunitiesOpens in a new tab. and a way of “selling” yourself to the hiring manager. 

Following what we said, here are a few tips to follow when writing your resume for a remote job: 

  • Mention your location: The location you are in will clarify if the employer should hire you or not. For example, the job may be remote but only restricted to local areas. 
  • Show your communication skills: If your resume is written well, it may indicate good communication skills. Try mentioning that you have strong communication skills and perfectly structure each experience and achievement you have made up until this day. 
  • Include a portfolio of your work: It’s never a good idea to write a resume and not include samples of your work. Portfolios show real-life examples and should be mentioned for you to achieve ideal results. 
  • Make it clear that you are looking for remote work: It’s best to include this in your headline. Let the hiring managers know you are serious about remote work. 
  1. Follow up

Following up is a crucial step in getting a remote job. So how do you do this? Communicating once or twice a week’s gap isn’t enough. In case you overdo it, you might look like you are needy and not as experienced. 

Emailing is an excellent way to communicate in today’s world directly and follow up with your remote job application. Additionally, you can try sending a short message if it’s possible. Say something simple like: 

Hello hiring manager (or mention their name),

I hope you are doing well. 

Today, I’m reaching out to follow up with the following position (the name of the position) that I applied to on ( the date). I would like to express my updated interest in this position and hope you’ll give me a chance to proceed further. 

Kind regards, 

(Your name) 

The best job platform to apply to 

Each job site has the same purpose to allow you to apply to their site, but keep in mind that you need to find which platform is the best fit for you. If you are highly concerned about salaries, go for Glassdoor. If you like to communicate continuously with hiring managers, LinkedIn might be the right choice for you. If you want any updates on new job offers, go for indeed. 

You can use all the platforms but focus on your goal. After clarifying that, stick to some platforms and apply there whenever you see a new remote opportunity.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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