How To Optimize Mental And Physical Health In Work From Anywhere

Working from anywhere is the new workplace, and it’s here to stay. This setup is becoming more popular because it lets employees grow professionally and personally. One of its advantages is creating your schedule according to your needs, letting you manage your health better.

Many factors influence the quality of your work, namely, your mental and physical health. When you are in tip-top shape, it will reflect on your work performance and productivity. Declining health will likewise negatively impact your work. That is why it’s vital to prioritize being physically and mentally fit when working from anywhere. 

You shouldn’t sacrifice your health for the sake of your work. Find out how to optimize your physical and mental fitness with the steps below. 

Maintaining Your Physical Health

Proper fitness should always be a priority when working from anywhere. If you cannot set aside time for your health, issues can develop over time. They can debilitate your quality of life. 

Here are different ways to help you be physically fit to take on your work responsibilities: 

Create A Proper Office Setup Anywhere

When working from anywhere, your space should be comfortable and encouraging. Consider different factors like posture and potential eye strain when setting up your office.

One of the ways you can achieve an optimal work zone is by keeping your space clean. You can also organize your gadgets and documents to make them accessible. If you’re working in a home office, you must have work essentials, including:

  • An office chair
  • A proper internet connection, and
  • A desk

Check out our article, “10 Tips to Make Your Office Space More ProductiveOpens in a new tab..” We give tips on how to optimize your workspace. 

Stay Hydrated

Before you reach for another cup of coffee, change course and drink water instead. 

Increased work productivity is tied to drinking water. The benefits of proper hydration are endless. That includes normalized blood pressure, better digestion, and less fatigue. Drinking water regularly can lead to better mental cognition and performance.  

Your age, gender, and underlying health conditions dictate your recommended water intake. The suggested daily consumption for most people is 2.7 to 3.7 L.

You can make this seem like a more achievable goal when you break it down into smaller steps. Have a bottle or thermos of water nearby to take sips while working. Remember, dehydration causes headaches and dizziness that can cause more problems when left unresolved. 

Eat A Balanced Diet

Everyone knows the phrase, “We are what we eat.” 

Managing your food and meal time is easier when working from anywhere. A healthy diet goes a long way in taking care of your physical health. Prioritize eating nutrient-rich food from all major food groups, such as:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Healthy fats, and
  • Lean proteins

Your diet can affect mood and sleep, which impact performance. The benefits of a nourishing meal include weight loss and reduced heart and cancer risks. Healthy eating also improves blood flow to the brain, which stimulates memory. Having the energy to finish work and do what you love is another incentive to eat better.

Do you want great tips on staying on top of a healthy diet amidst a busy work schedule? Check out our piece “How to Stay Healthy With a Busy Work Schedule – 7 StepsOpens in a new tab.!”

Make A Point To Exercise Regularly

A desk job shouldn’t keep you from being physically fit. Exercise can improve your ability to do everyday tasks, like your work. It can also reduce stress and combat long-term health conditions. Regular exercise can provide the extra energy boost you need to make the most out of your workday.

You can squeeze in physical activities at any point of the day. You can start with something simple, such as stretching during work breaks. Meditation or yoga can also alleviate stress and improve your overall physical health.

Afterward, you can move to more advanced fitness regimens like jogging, biking, or working out in the gym. That is if you want to level up your overall fitness. Others enjoy exercising with a friend or trainer to increase their motivation. 

Mohammad AlRazazOpens in a new tab., CEO & Co-founder of OTO, shares:

“Walking helps me think better and clear my mind, so I usually take calls while
walking. I walk +10,000 steps at the end of the day when I’ve got a lot of calls!”

Your fitness journey depends on the activities you add to your daily routine. The point is to make it personal and easy. The more you’re comfortable exercising, the more likely you’ll do it regularly. 

Keeping Track of your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health has never been more vital.  Andrew D’Souza, the Executive Chairman & Co-founder at Clearco, says it best with his statement:

“Your body is a vehicle that you use to experience life. Keeping your body
healthy and in good shape helps you experience more things in life, but having
a perfect body is not an end in itself.”

Beyond your physical capabilities, you should consider your mental health. Working from anywhere can become a positive or negative experience. Learn how to address declining mental health to get back on track. 

Create A Schedule

One of the perks of working from anywhere is improving your time management. Working more efficiently is possible through learning how to prioritize and organize. On the downside, some people may find it hard to set personal and work boundaries. 

Your schedule should become a routine you can follow when working from anywhere. Set daily agenda to lessen the stress of finding the time to complete all your tasks. Organizing what you need to do can help you mentally prepare for the day too.

In addition, consider starting and ending at the same time every day. It trains your body and brain to focus during work hours. You’ll also learn to relax at the end of the day.

Connect With Nature

Working from anywhere means being able to stay wherever you want. Connecting with nature can calm your mind and lessen work-related stress and fatigue. Try to set up your office near a window and take short breaks looking at the view. If you don’t have access to a window, you can spruce up your office with plants. 

You can also be more intentional with this practice by daylighting. Sunlight is linked with higher melatonin levels. It promotes better sleep quality and fewer chances of a depressive mood.  

Prioritize Personal Connections

Socialising doesn’t happen without effort when working from anywhere. The people we talk to affect our overall quality of life. Elena KrutovaOpens in a new tab., Chief People Officer for Exness, shares:

“[…] we can manage reality better and find human joy in what we do. There are
always good people around, a bigger purpose, the ability to put some order in
your life, or your best friend working with you.”

Make time to connect with your team and set up meetings to track everyone’s progress. After all, working from anywhere doesn’t mean you’re working on your own. Find out the best communication channels and practices that best suit everyone.

Rethink what meetings would look like within your team and communicate your needs to them. Finally, make sure everyone understands their workload and has the help they need.

You should also keep in touch with your personal life. Work can feel isolating or depressing, especially when you’re at the computer all day. Take time to connect with your family and friends, even when they live far away or amidst busy schedules. Working from anywhere gives you more chances to find a fulfilled and balanced life. 

Practice Mindfulness

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything. Michiel RauwsOpens in a new tab., Founder and CEO at Cass and Mental Health Advocate, says:

“Depression is a serious illness that can have a major impact on your quality
of life. It affects your mood, energy, ability to work and sleep, and the ability to
enjoy aspects of daily living.”

Mindfulness can help keep your head above water when you’re too stressed or overwhelmed with work. You can practice different techniques, such as meditation and journaling. But mindfulness is, at its core, the ability to take everything at present. It is being aware and attentive to what is happening at present. This practice can increase your productivity and help you notice negative moods without letting them affect you.

Maintain A Work-Life Balance

Finding the motivation to work or unplug at home is hard when your work and personal life divide your mind. A poor work-life balance can lead to burnout or stress and negatively influence your mental health. Achieve that by balancing your professional and personal needs.

Time and space boundaries when working can ease the pressure of feeling overworked. Don’t forget to add breaks in between grind hours. While there is pressure to work nonstop, it’s important to unplug and recharge. Having consistent short breaks and eating periods can benefit your mental health. 

It’s essential to accept that there isn’t a “perfect” or “standard” work-life balance. How it looks for you will entirely depend on your wants and needs. 


As Julie FleischerOpens in a new tab., Chief Growth Officer of Encantos, puts it:

“Surround yourself with well-being. The rise of remote work, work-from
anywhere policies, and location-agnostic living areas can be a boon to mental
and physical wellbeing, so long as connection and community are part of the

What can a flexible workspace help you achieve? The right balance between working and caring for yourself. 

You must be self-aware and know when to ask for professional help. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your health for any kind of work. Consult your physician if you have physical or mental health issues that negatively impact you. 

Related Questions

1. What are the benefits of working from anywhere?

Working from anywhere gives employers and employees the freedom to choose where they work. That is just the surface of what this setup can do for your team. Read our “10 Benefits of Working from AnywhereOpens in a new tab..” It highlights the finer points of working from anywhere. 

2. How do you ensure your team is efficient when working from anywhere?

You can track team efficiency even when working from anywhere. You can check in with your team, set messaging channels, and be present online during work hours. Do you have specific pain points you must address? Read our piece, “Why Some Remote Workers Can’t Work Effectively?Opens in a new tab.” We discuss what you can do to increase team productivity.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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