Can You Live Anywhere If You Work Remotely?

Remote work has been on the rise this past decade. But with COVID-19 came a forced shift to remote work for many, making it the new normal. When the pandemic started to mellow, many companies embraced remote work while some are on the fence and still deciding. Now, this begs the question: can employees live anywhere if they work remotely?

The quick answer is yes, employees can reside in absolutely any place they want if their work is remote. However, there are some vital considerations. This includes work schedules, possible in-person events, and accessibility to the company’s resources.

Read on to see why many businesses have shifted to remote work and why employees are starting to embrace it as well. In addition, we’ll go over how you can own this setup too.

What Does Remote Work Mean?

Remote work is when employees don’t have to be physically present in their office. They can work from anywhere and still manage to be productive. Hence, it is also known as Work-from-Anywhere.

Want to know more about this work arrangement? We’ve written a detailed piece on it entitled, “What Does Remote Work Mean?Opens in a new tab.

“Can I live anywhere if I work remotely?”

Technically, employees can live anywhere if they work remotelyOpens in a new tab.. As long as they have all their resources and can coordinate with their team, there will be no issue with them living in a different place.

Now, there are a few things to consider before packing up and hopping on that next ride.

Your Work Schedule

Want to book the earliest flight that takes you to the other side of the world? That’s entirely possible if you work remotely. However, your work schedule should be a big consideration.

While some companies and job positions offer flexible hours, we can’t say the same for everyone. There are tasks that need to be done in sync with everyone on the team. That’s when a more rigid work schedule is needed. Some examples include the following:

  • Participating in meetings or calls starting at a specific time
  • Leading a project and coordinating with the team
  • Delivering presentations to clients

Make sure you check your work schedule before taking the plunge. A different time zone might make it difficult to meet deadlines. However, no need to worry if you can manage your time well.

Work schedules also won’t matter as much if you have output-based work. Take many content writing and editing positions, for instance. As long as the output is delivered on time, it won’t matter if you work at night or in the morning.

But generally, many companies adopting a work-from-anywhere setup afford employees huge flexibility. It is just as Content Creator Christopher WileyOpens in a new tab. says in his post:

Cost savings are not the only benefits of remote work. Remote work also allows for a better work-life balance, which can lead to increased productivity and overall job satisfaction. Remote work also allows for more flexibility, which means you can set your own schedule and work when you’re most productive.

Accessibility to Company Resources

Some job tasks require specific resources or software. Check with your employer if they can provide the necessary toolsOpens in a new tab. that you need. Some examples of these resources include the following:

  • Reliable internet connection
  • Printers and scanners
  • Specialized software like Adobe Creative Suite

These resources need to be present where you’ll be staying. If not, your employer may need to provide a way for you to access them or have an alternative.

In addition, the company may need to check if you have a secure connection or any other security measures in place. These things matter since you’ll be handling confidential information.

Possible In-Person Events

Remote work has become the new normal, but don’t forget about in-person events. These are essential for some industries, such as gaming, marketing, and customer service.

If you’re working remotely, make sure you can attend these events if needed. Depending on your job position or the industry you belong to, this may be a requirement.

Does Working from Anywhere Actually Work?

Yes, it can. Many businesses have shifted to remote work and employees are starting to embrace it too. More than 75% of workers say they have become more productive since working remotely.

Just like other work setups, work-from-anywhere needs solid planning and policies to work. To make the arrangement successful, employers need to do these steps:

Create Policies Defining the Work-From-Anywhere Process

Have a system in place that will cover all the necessary details, such as:

  • Computing equipment and other resources
  • Security procedures
  • Working hours, schedules, and deadlines
  • Communication guidelines
  • Performance management
  • Leave policies

Without a well-defined contract and set of rules, working from anywhere will be more difficult.

Provide Ongoing Holistic Support

Employers should make sure they’re providing holistic supportOpens in a new tab. to their employees working from anywhere. This includes the following:

  • Understanding the challenges that come with remote work
  • Helping employees manage their work-life balance
  • Providing financial and mental health support

By creating an environment of trust and understanding, employers can help their staff succeed in a work-from-anywhere situation.

Passionate leader Adrian ThakeOpens in a new tab. shares the importance of leadership:

Spend time with each employee identifying how you can help support their personal and professional development. Consider your succession plan and how you can create a deep bench of future leaders.

He goes on to highlight this:

In a highly connected world where the lines between office hours and personal time are blurred, it’s worth being a caring leader. You’ll be surprised and greatly rewarded, and it’s great to work in an inclusive, caring culture.

Supply Necessary Resources and Tools

Employers need to supply employees with the necessary resources and tools to complete their tasks. This could be anything from a reliable internet connection, specialized software, or even access to digital libraries.

Employers also need to ensure that the company’s network is secure. This includes having firewalls in place, VPNs for remote access, and anti-virus software.

Communicate Regularly

Employers need to keep in touch with their employees when they are working from anywhere. This way, they can be sure that their employees are completing their tasks and meeting deadlines.

Make sure to establish regular check-ins with employees and set expectations on when they need to be available. This will keep communication lines openOpens in a new tab. while also helping employees stay on track with their work.

Encourage Teamwork

Working remotely can be isolating. To help, employers should encourage team-building and collaboration among their employees.

Creating virtual meetings where teammates can discuss tasks and projects, or having virtual happy hours, can help build camaraderie among remote employees.

We’ve written a comprehensive piece on this topic. Check out our article, “Six Factors That Lead to Motivated Teamwork in Your CompanyOpens in a new tab..”

The Advantages of Working from Anywhere

The allure of working from anywhere is heavily backed by numerous advantages. Here are just six of them:

1. Greater Freedom

Working from anywhere gives employees the freedom to choose their own workspace and take breaks whenever needed. This can help boost productivity since employees are more likely to focus on their tasks.

2. Lower Expenses

Companies don’t need to pay for office spaces or equipment when employees are working from anywhere. This can result in huge cost-savings for businesses.

Likewise, employees save money on commuting, food, and other expenses related to working in an office.

3. Less Stress

Working remotely can help reduce stress since employees don’t have to face the same pressures of a traditional office. This can lead to greater job satisfaction and improved mental health.

4. No Commuting

Employees no longer need to deal with the frustrations of commuting, such as traffic and crowded public transportation. This can give them more time to rest and relax.

5. Better Work-Life Balance

Working from anywhereOpens in a new tab. gives employees the time and flexibility to balance their work and personal lives. This can lead to improved physical and mental well-being. Employees are also now afforded the chance to spend more time with their loved ones.

6. Diversified Workforce

Having a remote workforce allows companies to tap into talent pools all around the world. This means they can take advantage of more diverse and unique experiences and perspectives.

CFO and Head of Employee Experience at Airbnb Dave StephensonOpens in a new tab. shares:

It’s been one year since Airbnb shared our design to Live & Work Anywhere which offers employees the flexibility to work from an Airbnb office, or remotely in over 170 countries. And it’s working great for us. By offering employees flexibility and gathering in-person intentionally, we’re improving employee diversity and retention while increasing our productivity as a company.

How to Make Working from Anywhere Work for You

As mentioned earlier, employers must tick a few checkboxes to make work-from-anywhere work for their company. In turn, employees should also make sure that they’re doing their part. Here are some tips:

  1. Have a dedicated workspace. Designate an area in your home or apartment as a workspace. When you have your own space for work, staying focused and organized will be easier.
  1. Create an optimal schedule. Set a schedule that works for you and adjust it when needed. Make sure to include breaks, exercise, and quality time with family members.
  1. Stay connected. Make sure to communicate often with your team. This will help keep everyone on the same page and can make working remotely more enjoyable.
  1. Take care of yourself. Remote work can take a toll on your health. Be it physical, mental, or emotional, the setup will have an impact on your life.
  1. Practice discipline and be accountable. Having the freedom to work from anywhere can lead to procrastination. So, it’s important to practice self-discipline and stay accountable to yourself and your team.
  1. Get rid of distractions. It can be easy to get distracted when working from anywhere. To stay productive, it’s important to limit distractions and focus on your tasks.

Digital Marketing Consultant Howard WilburyOpens in a new tab. stresses in his post:

Did you know that on average, it takes 23 minutes to fully regain focus after being distracted? Imagine the cumulative impact of distractions over a workday, a week, or even a year! It’s time for us to reevaluate our approach to distractions and recognise the importance of focused work.

He further highlights this:

In this age of technology and constant connectivity, distractions are everywhere. Be it endless notifications, unproductive meetings, or even trivial conversations – it all adds up. However, what we don’t often realise is the true cost these distractions have on our productivity and overall effectiveness.

The Biggest Challenges of Working from Anywhere

Working from anywhere is not without its own set of challengesOpens in a new tab.. For employees, isolation and loneliness are at the top of the list. When working in a traditional office setup, employees have the chance to interact with their colleagues on a regular basis. In a remote work setup, however, it can be difficult to stay connected.

This can be a huge concern because the lack of social interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. To mitigate this, it’s important for employers to provide access to online platforms and activities that promote connectivity. This can help employees feel more connected to the team and foster a sense of community even when working from anywhere.

Aside from this point, remote work poses the following challenges:

Technical Issues

Technical issues can arise when working remotely, such as a slow internet connection or lack of access to certain programs. These problems can cause delays in tasks and hamper productivity.

In an office setup, these issues are usually fixed quickly and teams can get back to work. But when working remotely, it can be difficult to troubleshoot and resolve them in a timely manner. To combat this, employers should ensure that their employees have access to adequate technology and technical support.

Difficulty Tracking Performance & Guiding Employees

Without the right tools, tracking the performance of employees can be tricky. Employers must ensure that they have the right technology and systems in place to monitor the progress of their remote employees.

The first step in addressing this concern is to define measures of performance. Many job positions require a fixed number of hours to be completed, while others might focus on output-based goals. Once this is established, employers should create systems and tools that can help them easily monitor the progress of their remote workforce.

This can help employers evaluate the performance of their employees accurately and ensure that work is being completed efficiently.

New employees are also challenged when they enter a new position. After all, their leaders aren’t beside them when they need guidance. Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President Jared SpataroOpens in a new tab. highlights this:

New research from economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the University of Iowa, and Harvard University underscores our findings, suggesting that younger workers have especially struggled, as they are looking for more guidance at the beginning of their careers.

Jared continues:

This article from The New York TimesOpens in a new tab. highlights the importance of having a structured approach to feedback and encourages companies to leverage technology to provide frequent and timely communication to #hybrid workers, and I completely agree. We must rethink how we give and receive feedback to maintain our productivity and foster growth in the #hybrid era.


Miscommunication is one of the biggest challenges for remote teams. When working in an office setting, it’s easier to pick up on verbal and non-verbal cues. But with remote teams, it’s more difficult to interpret these cues accurately.

This can lead to misunderstandings and can be frustrating for both employers and employees. To address this, teams should adopt a clear communication plan. This should outline the following:

  • Expectations
  • Guidelines
  • Processes
  • Tools used to communicate

This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and can help promote a culture of trust and understanding.

Challenged Productivity

Productivity often suffersOpens in a new tab. when teams are working remotely. This can be due to distractions, lack of connection, or poor communication. To tackle this issue, employers should create a plan that outlines vital steps to ensure productivity.

This includes the following:

  • Setting clear goals and expectations
  • Providing proper tools and resources
  • Establishing regular check-ins with employees
  • Creating an environment that encourages collaboration

By taking these steps, employers can ensure that employees have everything they need to stay productive.


Another challenge of remote work is burnout. Working from home can blur the lines between work and personal life, as employees don’t have a physical separation between the two.

This can lead to burnout as employees struggle to balance their workload and personal lives. To prevent this from happening, employers should:

  • Prioritize setting boundaries
  • Encourage employees to take breaks
  • Provide access to resources such as mental health support and wellness activities
  • Create opportunities for social connection

Employees can also take steps to ensure that they are not overworking themselves. Setting a schedule and taking regular breaks are excellent examples.

We’ve written more about work burnout and how employees can fight it. Check out, “The Consequences of Work Burnout & Ways to Deal With ItOpens in a new tab..”

The Pivotal Role of Managers in the Success of Remote Work

The effectiveness of a manager could spell the difference between success and failure in remote work. Managers play a vital role in supporting the team, monitoring progress, and providing guidance when needed.

Managers should strive to create a space that promotes teamwork, connection, and communication. They should also ensure that their team members have what they need to minimize distractions and maximize productivity.

To Wrap Up

Employees can no doubt live anywhere if their work is 100% remote. However, they must exercise due diligence to ensure the success of this setupOpens in a new tab.. Employers and managers need to be cognizant of the challenges that come with remote work. They must create systems and processes that can help address these hurdles and ensure top productivity.

It should be a partnership among executives, leaders, and team members. With the right tools, policies, and support in place, remote teams can thrive and achieve success.

Related Questions

1. Is it possible to work from anywhere?

Yes, employees can work from anywhere given that their work is 100% remote. However, it’s important for employers and managers to create policies defining this setup. Employees also need to ensure that they’re working from a place where they can be productive. This means ensuring necessary resources like internet connection, hardware, and software are available.

2. Is working remotely effective?

The short answer is yes, working remotely is effective. This still depends on the team member’s performance and the leader’s management style. Employees need to be productive and stay on top of their goals. On the other hand, managers must provide the necessary support. With the right tools, policies, and systems, working remotely can be a success.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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