6 Signs You’re Ready For A Workplace Leadership Role

Great leaders can impact an entire organization, and their policies flow throughout the company’s practices. They’re highly regarded as the foundation of a business, capable of looking for the best talents, matching them with roles, and inspiring others to join the pursuit of materializing their vision. While they can be idealistic, they’re also able to balance out and determine what’s possible and what’s not. 

Managers Versus Leaders

While both terms are quite synonymous, interchangeable, and have overlapping duties, managers and leaders aren’t the same. For instance, a manager is typically a professional who’s selected by an administration because of their expertise, experience, technical skills, or being tenured. 

Moreover, some managers don’t practice leadership and some leaders aren’t appointed with a managerial role. Managers may guide and monitor the outputs of their subordinates but may not lead in any meaningful way. They look over company processes and check if they’re operating smoothly as expected. However, they don’t necessarily have to motivate their employees to do action. 

Conversely, there may be employees in lower departments who positively influence their teammates to accomplish their tasks. They’re able to naturally spark inspiration and encourage their colleagues to do their best and be accountable for their roles. These people are the leaders.

Considering all these, it may not be necessary to climb the corporate ladder to be recognized as a leader. Nonetheless, promotions are still important as this allows you to have a better platform to influence more people, improve systems, incorporate safety leadershipOpens in a new tab. policies, and get a better view of how the company is doing.

Signs You’re A Leadership Material

While business leaders are often projected in suit and ties, the role isn’t so much about the formalities. It’s about the person’s attitude, mindset, and behavior. If you believe you’re prepared and well-trained for a leadership role, the following traits and signs should be seen in you:

1. You Love Working With A Team

Some employees are naturally good at working independently from others. They require less supervision and they like to do tasks by themselves. However, if you feel most productive when you’re collaborating and materializing plans with others, applying for a leadership role is a great move.

Leaders take pride that they’re able to be a part of a team’s success. They no longer work to sustain their needs; they work because they want to support their team and spark change in the company.

2. You’re Regarded As A Role Model

Leaders embody the company’s values, do their job properly, and show up regardless of the circumstances. This isn’t to say that leaders are perfect. Instead, they’re people who are simply passionate about what they do. When employees are surrounded by these types of people, they’ll be encouraged to perform their best and meet their deliverables. 

If you happen to be this kind of person, you’ll be able to influence more people with your professionalism. This leadership promotion can help you set the tone for the entire organization and its corresponding teams.

Moreover, if you’re able to exceed your boss’s expectations, consistently perform well, and are motivated with your job, your peers may see you as a role model. They’ll look up to you, respect your authority, and take inspiration with how you’ve devoted your time to get where you are today.

Potentially, this can help eliminate tardiness, share a positive organizational feeling, and even develop healthy competition among employees. By being a good example, you’ll be able to motivate your subordinates to work smart, be consistent, and be strategic to get the same opportunities offered to you.

3. You Don’t Hesitate To Delegate

Delegating tasks might be interpreted as a sign of incompetence or being unable to cope with challenges, but it isn’t true. In fact, learning to delegate helps you devote your time and energy to the more important responsibilities. It helps you become truly focused and productive with your role. Instead of investing your time in accomplishing minor tasks, you’re able to make time for strategic thinking, organizational planning, and coaching teams. 

Delegating is a skill helping you identify the task you ought to bear and the ones you need to appoint. No leader can do all things at all times. Delegation is a key strategy for boosting team productivity, peer rapport, and professional development. 

If you’re able to carefully delegate and match talents with duties, you have the potential to improve operational efficiency and minimize interpersonal conflict. Take note that issues arise when subordinates pass on tasks and assign duties that aren’t in line with their expertise.

Because of your delegating skills, you can help foster employee trust and empowerment. When you’re able to show you believe in their abilities, this confidence will translate into how they approach their work. This results in a snowball effect of improved performance and better products and services.

4. You Possess Excellent Communication Skills

Excellent communication and effective leadership are closely intertwined. You can’t lead with conviction, spark improvements, and elevate the organization without learning how to communicate.

When you have problems conveying expectations and goals, you can be misinterpreted by your peers and subordinates. Consequently, this creates barriers impeding progress and weakening the employer-employee relationship.

Furthermore, good communicators are also good listeners. They’re able to have a clear understanding of where people are coming from. This helps you respond rather than react to tardy employees, unmotivated peers, and toxic managers. 

If you possess excellent communication skills, you’ll easily foster a positive workplace cultureOpens in a new tab. where employees aren’t afraid to be transparent with their experiences and acknowledge their mistakes. During team meetings, this encourages employees to share their ideas and collaborate with colleagues. All these can help gain trust, strengthen ties, align efforts with team objectives, and inspire positive change in the organization.

Moreover, if you’ve had years of experience talking and collaborating with different employees from various departments, this might be a sign your abilities are needed in the upper management. In this way, you’ll be able to sharpen your communication skills with a wider scope of people—employees, managers, business partners, clients, and more.

In addition, if you happen to be complimented with your ability to communicate complex concepts, allowing people to air their concerns, addressing issues, and giving constructive feedback, this might be an indication you’re ready to lead and supervise more teams. 

5. You Enjoy Training And Coaching Your Team

If you take pride in helping others unlock their potential, moving into a leadership role is going to be natural. This will give you a bigger platform to help more employees to improve, grow, and make them see that they can become leaders as well.

Leadership is about motivating people to use the opportunities around them to realize their gifts. As mentioned, leaders are able to enlist talents. With this skill, you’ll be able to come up with training programs for your employees to sharpen their abilities and hone in the necessary talents and knowledge to meet their duties and demands. This won’t only satisfy their development needs but this will also keep each member engaged with their jobs.

This strategy isn’t entirely about exceeding the management’s expectations. Instead, it’s about making sure everyone succeeds and feels good about their jobs. In turn, this can also help you retain more employees, address problems with absenteeism, and boost morale. 

Ultimately, these improvements can manifest in the quality of their deliverables and services, ensuring a positive return on investments.

6. You’re Calm Under Pressure

Workplace challenges and conflicts may spring up in unexpected ways. Despite doing your efforts to control these, they can still be inevitable. 

Because of extensive experiences and training, a great leader has an arsenal of effective alternatives to address concerns without compromising company culture. They’re able to stay in control and suggest solutions even in stressful situations. If you happen to be praised because of this good habitOpens in a new tab., you should consider accepting that leadership role. This might be a sign you’re ready to handle more complex workplace problems. 

Staying composed amidst workplace challenges is crucial as this helps you think properly and create solutions in line with the company’s goals. You can take into account suggestions, but you don’t have to rely on anyone’s authority. This is a prerequisite attitude every leader must manifest.

When you’re able to project this calmness during high-pressured situations, your subordinates will become more confident knowing they’re being managed by a decisive boss. In turn, when workplace problems are effectively resolved, this can minimize the delay in deliverables, impact employee productivity, and foster a healthy work environment.

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Final Thoughts

Leaders portray a crucial role in every organization. They’re charismatic people who have tangible visions for the platform they’re in. If you’ve ticked off most indications above, chances are you’re ready to take that leadership position. With your influence, you’ll be able to increase employee productivity, morale, engagement, and profit.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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