11 Reasons it Makes Sense to Outsource

There are many reasons businesses choose to outsource, but cost savings is often the primary motivator. When done correctly, outsourcing can lead to significant reductions in operating expenses. But cost savings is just one of the many benefits of outsourcing – it can also lead to improved quality, increased efficiency, and greater flexibility. The following are the top 11 reasons businesses should consider outsourcing.

1. Outsourcing can boost efficiency

Outsourcing can help businesses increase their overall efficiency. This is because businesses can often get the same or better quality services from an outsourcing provider at a lower price. They also benefit from the experience and expertise of third parties, especially when it comes to things like comprehensive IT monitoringOpens in a new tab.

This is because businesses that outsource often have access to the latest tools and technologies. They also have more time to focus on perfecting their services, as they are not bogged down by other non-essential tasks.

2. Better focus on your core competencies

When businesses outsource, they can focus on their core competencies and leave non-essential tasks to the experts. This allows businesses to put all of their energy into what they do best, making them more efficient and more likely to succeed in the long term.

When you don’t focus on what you do best, you are essentially accepting the opportunity costs that come along with that. By outsourcing, businesses can avoid those opportunity costs and focus on what they’re good at.

When businesses outsource, they are also able to free up resources that they can then use to focus on their core competencies. This is beneficial for businesses as it allows them to focus on what they do best and leave non-essential tasks to someone else.

3. Outsourcing saves money

Outsourcing can be a great way to save moneyOpens in a new tab. for businesses. When done correctly, it can help businesses reduce their overall operating costs. This is because businesses can often get the same or better quality services from an outsourcing provider at a lower price. What’s more, when you outsourced a specialized business function (e.g., digital marketing), you are getting access to the various expensive cutting edge tools that these providers use that you would otherwise have to pay for but likely don’t need full-time access to. 

For instance, let’s say that a business spends $1,000 on in-house staff to handle customer service inquiries. If they outsource that same function to a provider that charges $500 per month, they would save $600 per month. This same equation is applicable in a wide range of business functions, from accounting to IT support. 

4. Outsourcing can improve quality

In many cases, businesses can actually improve the quality of their services by outsourcing. This is because outsourcing providers are often experts in their field and can offer a higher level of service than a business could provide on its own.

5. Outsourcing can improve business continuity

Outsourcing is often a good idea when you have major clients in markets that are in very different time zones to you. If you want to be able to serve them well, you will need to offer customer support 24/7. An outsourcing provider can help you do this without having to staff your own offices around the clock and avoid some of the pitfalls of asynchronous communicationOpens in a new tab..

Additionally, if you have a critical business function that needs to be performed perfectly, it may make sense to outsource it to a provider that specializes in that area. This way, you can be sure that the job will be done right and you won’t have to worry about it.

6. Outsourcing can help you access expert knowledge

When businesses outsource, they gain access to the expert knowledge of the outsourcing provider. This can be extremely beneficial for businesses, as it can help them improve their own services and learn from the best in the business.

This is a particularly valuable benefit for small businesses that don’t have the resources, either financial or knowledge-related, to hire their own experts. It is also a useful option for businesses that may be located in markets where the expertise they want or need is hard to find locally. In this case, outsourcing can help businesses tap into a global pool of talent.

7. Outsourcing frees up time for business owners

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing is that it can help business owners free up their time. This is because, when businesses outsource, they are essentially delegating tasks to someone else. This frees up the business owner’s time so that they can focus on more important tasks, such as growing the business.

The outsourcing of tedious manual tasks that most business owners have to take on themselves when first starting out is one of the most popular reasons for outsourcing. This includes tasks such as bookkeeping, appointment setting, and customer service.

It is increasingly common for small business owners, and especially those operating online businesses, to outsource some of their day-to-day administrative work to a virtual assistantOpens in a new tab.. These are people who work remotely and can take on a wide range of tasks, from social media management to email marketing.

8. Outsourcing can improve customer service

Outsourcing can also help businesses improve their customer service. This is because businesses that outsource their customer service functions often have access to the latest tools and technologies. They also have more time to focus on perfecting their services, as they are not bogged down by other non-essential tasks.

There is a reason that so much of customer service is now outsourced – it’s because businesses that do so often see a significant improvement in the quality of their customer service.

9. Outsourcing is great for when you need on-demand employees

There will be times when businesses need employees but don’t want to go through the hassle and expense of hiring full-time employees. In these cases, outsourcing can be a great solution. This is because businesses can often find providers that offer on-demand employees. This means that businesses only have to pay for the employee’s time when they actually need them.

10. Outsourcing lets you stay ahead of the competition

Another benefit of outsourcing is that it can help businesses stay ahead of the competition. This is because businesses that outsource often have access to the latest tools and technologies. They also have more time to focus on perfecting their services, as they are not bogged down by other non-essential tasks.

11. Outsourcing can help reduce overhead costs

Outsourcing can also help businesses reduce their overhead costs. This is because businesses that outsource often have access to the latest tools and technologies. They also have more time to focus on perfecting their services, as they are not bogged down by other non-essential tasks.


Overall, there are many reasons why it makes sense for businesses to outsource some of their functions and departments. Outsourcing can help businesses improve the quality of their services, increase their efficiency, and focus on their core competencies.

It can also help businesses stay ahead of the competition and reduce their overhead costs. Outsourcing is something to be done with a lot of preparation and care, but when done correctly, it can be a great way to improve your business.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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