100 Employee Engagement Facts

When I was still an intern at Human Resources (HR), I had thought that employees only want a good salary, vacation time, and overtime pay. However, my boss let me in on a little secret: “You’ll need more than that to keep your workers happy.” Throughout my internship, I discovered that employee engagement is not what it seems.

So, what are employee engagement facts that you, as a leader, should know by now? At the core, you need to understand the strategies and techniques in employee engagement to keep your workers happy.

Here are 100 employee engagement facts that leaders like you should know.

1. It All Starts with YOU

Employers will always be accountableOpens in a new tab. for their employees’ engagement. According to a research study, managers compromise about 70% of the variance in employee engagement. This statistic isn’t shocking since employees spend most of their working time with their bosses.

2. Employee Engagement Is Important in Any Workplace

Engaged employees are significant members of the company. But what makes engaged employees so valuable? It is because engaged employees are

  • More productive
  • Happy and comfortable with their work
  • Stay in their work longer

3. Engaged Employees Produce Better Work

This one is proven true by the concept called “engagement profit chain.” According to this concept, engaged employees work longer hours and produce cleaner, higher-quality work than disengaged employees.

4. You Will Always Have Time for Engagement

Experts have argued that there will always be time for employee engagement since it can only take for a few minutes. Engaging your employees can be in the form of saying thank you or asking how they are doing in random periods of the day.

5. It’s Not All About Parties, Picnics, and Excursions

The emotional connection of one employee to his or her boss and the company goals defines employee engagement. In fact, no study shows any correlation between enjoyment and work productivity.

6. Engagement Should Focus on Recognition, Growth, and Trust

A research study involving 10 million workers has shown that they feel more engaged if they feel recognition, growth, and trust.

7. More Time for Employees, More Engaged Employees

According to a study by The Society For Knowledge Economics, teams who are better-performing have bosses who spend more time with them.

8. Engaged Employees Are Those with Meaning

How can you tell if an employee is emotionally engaged? Well, to begin with, they must find personal meaning in their work. Leaders must engage these employees by helping them find their meanings. It doesn’t have to be deep or grandiose; it just needs to be personal.

9. Output > Input

Company leaders are known to supervise the work of their employees, but that practice is disengaging. Instead of input, employers should focus more on the outputs.

10. Process-Driven Activities Take Time for Engagement

Process-driven activities are activitiesOpens in a new tab. that are repetitive, monotonous, and time-consuming. To avoid wasting time on these things, leaders invest in technologies to accomplish these tasks for them.

11. Leaders Adapt to Employees, Not the Other Way Around

The best way to engage with your employees is by adapting to their communication styles. Leaders must be malleable people; they must suit the needs of each employee despite the differences.

12. Increased Employee Involvement Equals Engagement

To have engaged employees, leaders need to incorporate employees in planning company strategies.

13. Networking with Employees Also Helps

By having leaders expose their employees to networking opportunities, employees can generate fresh ideas for the company.

14. Training and Engagement Cannot Be Separated

If you want more skillful and engaged employees in the workplace, you will need to invest in training. Training will help your employees harness new skills and feel confident about themselves.

15. Motivation Is Key

An engaged employee is an employee with meaning. But sometimes, employees may be so down in the slumps that they lose sight of their purpose. In times like these, a leader with a goal to engage should know the art of motivation.

16. Conventional Engagement Practices Are Obsolete

In this day and age, companies are now a mix of various working arrangements. Thus, do not use the old engagement practices that aren’t suited for those new updates in the working world.

17. Encouraging Accountability Is Another Way of Promoting Engagement

Before any employee becomes engaged, they need to feel that they have a sense of agency called accountability. Good leaders must encourage employees to reflect on their work performance so that they can become motivated to address their weaknesses.

18. Courageous Culture Is Essential for Engagement

Work cultureOpens in a new tab. is the contributory factor for employee engagement. If the work culture itself is already constraining enough, then your employee engagement tactics will never work.

19. Employee’s Lifestyles Matter

Leaders often think that their employees’ personal lives are out of their hands, and that’s true. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t care. Investing in your employees’ well-being is not only about being a good boss but also being a concerned friend.

20. The 20 Percent Program

The 20 Percent Program is a Google-pioneered practice that lets employees do whatever they like in 20 percent of their working time. While it seems unproductive at first glance, this program increased worker productivity and employee engagement.

21. Engage Employees Through CSR Strategies

A popular method for employee engagement is through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies. Letting your employees choose their CSR initiatives gives them the freedom to act on what they believe.

22. Anxiety Parties

Another Google-pioneered activity, Anxiety Parties are designed to connect the whole team by addressing a specific problem. Anxiety Parties start with employees writing down their sources of anxiety in the workplace before discussing solutions to the issues.

23. Asking for Feedback Is Great for Engagement

If you want to have your employees engaged, you, as a leader, should also ask for feedback. This practice promotes an open and honest communication within the team, which is necessary for employee engagement.

24. Creativity and Engagement Are Partners

Creativity should always be the main agenda of your management processes. Not only is creativity the lifeline of any company, but it is also important in employee engagement.

25. Know When to Have Fun

Of course, it shouldn’t always be work, work, work in the workplace. To keep your employees engaged, there should also be some time for fun. Leaders should once in a while join in random acts of fun such as funny conversations or lunch discussions with your employees.

26. Mantra Keeps Employees Engaged

According to Colin Mitchell from Harvard Business ReviewOpens in a new tab., internal marketing is one way of keeping the connection between your employees and your brand.

27. Employee Engagement Should Always Have a “Tailored” Approach

If leaders should adapt to their employees’ communication styles to keep them engaged, then employee engagement programs should also be made the same way. Taking a marketer’s approach, it helps to refine your target groups and categorize them by their preferences to effectively relay your messages across.

28. Positive Reinforcement Is the Way to Go

Positive reinforcement is one of the simplest yet easiest ways to engage employees. All you need is to give your employees words of encouragement, and they will be motivated tenfold.

29. Begin the Day with a Team Huddle

Another good employee engagement practice is beginning the day with a team huddle. A team huddle not only promotes unity but also helps start the day on a positive note.

30. Weekly Surveys Are Significant for Measuring Employee Engagement

If you’re adopting an employee engagement practice, you’ll need to know if it works or not. A good way of objectively measuring the progress of an employee engagement practice is through weekly surveys.

31. Unlimited Paid Time-Off

Unlimited paid time-off (PTO) is still a new trend for the year. Less than two percent of companies are implementing this scheme. However, unlimited PTOs have a number of benefits. For one, it could lead to a stronger culture of trust and accountability in the workplace.

32. Having Unlimited PTOs Boosts Engagement

Moreover, PTOs can serve as incentives for your team to work better together. Of course, leaders must monitor the usage of paid time-off days to avoid abuse.

33. Celebrating Small Successes than a Big One

Instead of celebrating your employees’ one-time, big-time success, why not their small accomplishments? Studies find that small celebrations are more engaging than hosting a big party once in a blue moon.

34. Work-Life Balance Is Impossible, Says Google

In Google’sOpens in a new tab. earlier employee engagement surveys, they found that employees find it difficult to attain a work–life balance. In fact, approximately 31 percent of their employees can go home and forget about work.

35. The Dublin Goes Dark Program

You will need to introduce policies that help your employees achieve balance if you want to boost employee engagement. For example, Google launched a program called “Dublin Goes Dark,” which requires employees to drop their devices at the end of work.

36. Google Is the Best in Employee Engagement

Among all companies in the world, Google ranks the best in engaging employees. How? By valuing your employees, of course! As CEO and founder of SAS Institute Jim Goodnight puts it, “If you treat people as if they make a difference, they will make a difference.”

37. Burnout Is Dangerous

According to the 2017 study of Future Workplace, employee burnout is the “largest threat” to engagement. Even the most capable of employees feel overloaded from their work once or twice in their careers.

38. Diversity in the Office Is Key

Companies like Google focus on improving diversity in their workplace to entice people from multiple backgrounds to join the company. For example, Google has a program called Diversity Core which allocates the work time of employees to various diversity projects.

39. You Can Engage Your Employees Through Different Platforms

Aside from work culture and general practices, the use of technology can boost employee engagement. In Google, employees use a tool called Google Moderator to ask questions or vote on matters that they want to be answered.

40. Google’s Career Guru

Leaders cannot engage their employees without caring about their future. Companies must encourage their employee’s career development through programs and corporate practices.

41. Emotional Intelligence Plays a Role in Employee Engagement

Google’s study on their employees found that high-performing teams feel safe to speak up and share ideas with each other. But earning the trust and respect of the team won’t be easy. That’s where emotional intelligence training comes in.

42. Unique Benefits, Better Engagement

For companies with high employee engagement, benefits are simply the fulfillment of their employees’ needs. For example, Google offered an on-site laundry area after finding out that their junior software engineers were bad at washing clothes.

43. Treat New Engagement Practices as Science Experiments

Implementing employee engagement practices must be like a science experiment. You must be complete with a control group, an experimental group, a hypothesis, a data collection period, and others.

44. Employees Without Direction Leave Early

A study has revealed that employees who are unsure of their growth in the organization are most likely to leave.

45. Engaged Older Employees Bring More Value

Unlike younger employees, engaged older employees have years of experience and a clear understanding of their abilities.

46. Re-engaging Old Employees Is Cheaper

Why spend hours on training a young recruit when your engaged old employee can do more than the former? A study has found that engaging old employees are 25% cheaper than hiring another employee.

47. Engagement Is a Social Activity

Employee engagement will always be a social activityOpens in a new tab.. An employee who feels cared for by their company and embedded in the company relationship is more likely to support your company in return.

48. Want Better Engagement? You’ll Need Tools

Equipping your employees with the necessary tools in work is an important aspect of employee engagement. These tools can range from training to flexible work schedules.

49. 2018 Is the Age of Ongoing Feedback

If you want to receive or give feedback, you’ll need to do it through an ongoing feedback system. Unlike annual surveys, this system is real-time and iterative to boot.

50. The First Day of Work is Crucial

Employee engagement should already begin on the first day of work of an employee. According to a study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity, employees absorbed into the company culture using organized efforts are better engaged and more productive.

51. Setting Goals for Engagement

Leadership IQ found that people with motivational goals are 75% more satisfied in their work.  

52. Outside Forces as a Distraction

Outside forces, such as social media, serve as a distraction in the workplace. The bad thing with this is that these distractions often decrease employee engagement. Since they are giving too much of their time in the digital world, they sometimes forget to involve themselves with other individuals.

53. Lower Employee Retention

Low employee engagement usually results in lower employee retention. Some even always think about leaving their jobs since they lack the inspiration to push through with work.

54. Transparency Is Key

Employees work with more inspiration when they are aware of the benefits the company reaps from their work. Therefore, it is essential for the bosses to tell their workers the real status of their company—whether it’s good or bad—so that they’ll be more proactive in knowing that they have a greater purpose to serve.

55. No to Overworking

When employees have tons of things to do, their stress level Opens in a new tab.increases. Know what work to prioritize and give them mini-deadlines so that they will not feel overworked because of one-time big-time deadlines.

56. End the 40-Hour Work Week

Most researchers say that 40 hours of work per week results in low productivity. These long hours are not good for creativity or employee happiness.

57. Status of the Government

According to studies, employees working in the government showed the lowest rate of employee engagement. The state must do something about this—be it through more workplace activities or higher compensation for their workers.

58. Ill-Equipped Human Resources

Most human resources in organizations feel ill-equipped when solving employeeOpens in a new tab. retention and engagement. Hopefully, more training and seminars address this recurring problem.

59. Career Stages Differ in Engagement

Research found that younger employees are more engaged as compared to those who are already in the middle of their careers. Leaders, then, should tailor-fit their employee engagement strategies depending on the career stages of their workers. They can even create multiple plans so that they can easily address it per age bracket!

60. Senior Managers Should Be More Involved

Statistics show that 77 percent of senior managers blatantly say that they want to increase workplace engagementOpens in a new tab.. However, only two-thirds of them engage with their employees. It is crucial for them to have a face-to-face interaction with their workers to become more effective.

61. Employees with Secondary Education

Employees having diplomas does not automatically mean that they are more engaged in work. According to research, less-educated people are reported to be happier since there is not that much expectation from them.

62. Higher Work Engagement = Increase in Customer Ratings

Workers that are more dedicated and engaged in their work tend to give off positive vibes. Hence, they provide a warmer kind of service, translating to increased customer ratings.

63. Increasing Business Sales

As mentioned in number 62, higher work engagement leads to higher customer ratings. If consumers are pleased with the service of the company, this usually increases business sales.

 64. Managers Have Bigger Roles

Studies show that 70 percent of employees would like to experience more time with their direct managers. Maybe this can be a tool for them to have a more personalized attack on their work.

65. Exercise as the Secret Recipe

If you want to have a more hyper bunch of workers, try convincing them to exercise! Physical activities are proven to have a positive effect on the work engagement of employees.

66. Strategies Bring You Closer to the Goal

Most managers just mention that they want to eradicate low member engagement. However, less than half of them have strategies to accomplish this.

 67. Employee Engagement Affects Total Stock Market Index

Did you think employee engagement is not related to the stock market index? Well, you are wrong. Several pieces of research report that companies with low engagements have a low shareholder return because people are more inclined to invest in companies which have a good culture.

68. Creativity Starts Somewhere

You cannot force creativity. Those who are sad or angry are usually too distracted to come up with work ideas. Hence, engaged employees are said to be inspired by work, resulting in an overflow of ideas.

 69. Extroverts As Extroverts

Studies have proven that extrovertsOpens in a new tab. have higher employee engagements. Their confidence and love for people increase their drive to have a more intimate relationship with their work.

70. Ambiance Improves Employee Engagement

Businesses should invest in the style of their office. Companies who have a dull and damp environment usually produce employees who are too lazy to interact with other people.

71. Strategies Depend on Employee Work Styles

Producers versus Empathizers. Visionaries versus Implementers. Planners versus Movers. If managers do not properly tailor-fit their approach on how they will increase their work engagement, there is a fat chance that it would not be effective.

72. Know What Motivates Them

If the bosses know what motivates their employees, be it through money or relationship, it will be easier to come up with a strategy. Know them properly, and everything will follow.

73. Work on Their Strengths

If leaders give tasks which are in line with the strengths of their employees, it will be easier for them to work properly. They will be more inspired, confident, and proud since they know that they are doing their work right.

 74. Show You Care

Believe it or not, almost a third of a company’s employees think that their employers do not care about them. That usually gives them a negative perception of the culture of the company, therefore decreasing their work engagement.

75. Monthly Awards Are a Thing

Compensation increases employee engagement. However, if you want more consistent results, do it regularly. It can be in the form of physical or verbal recognition—no need to be too grand about it.

76. Technology Affects Culture

If workers see that a company has more advanced technology in the workplace, they tend to be more engaged in their roles. We are in the digital age already, so it is important to invest in these.

77. Data Improves Performance

Employees are not satisfied if their superiors give them qualitative feedback. They will be more engaged if data, such as numbers and ratings, are presented to them.

 78. Private Recognition Also Works

Recognition has been mentioned over and over again to increase employee engagement. However, it does not mean that it has to be in front of a large crowd. More employees are already satisfied to be given recognition by their bosses privately.

79. Discrimination Has No Place in the Workplace

Individuals who experience discriminationOpens in a new tab. in the workplace often find themselves too discouraged to go to work and produce better output. Hence, it is essential that the HR address this kind of issue at work.

80. Decision-Making Contributes Big Time

Employees are more dedicated to the company if they believe in the decision-making skills of their bosses. If they don’t, they think that it will negatively impact the culture of their company.

81. Ideas Empower Employees

According to American Express, 52 percent of employees agree with the statement, “Our internal office culture creates a lot of barriers to executing good ideas.” Having no voice in the company depletes their confidence.

 82. Mentors Are a Must

Training and seminars are not enough for many. If you want a huge increase in employee engagement, having a mentor-mentee relationship can be the answer. Employees become more outgoing, inspired, and empowered if they take part in this program.

83. Asking for Job Stability

Some companies in the country are still practicing job contractualization. It contributes to the anxiety and stress levels of a person. Having job stability in their work gives them peace of mind which eventually increases their job engagement and work productivity.

84. Holiday Seasons Have an Effect

Research has proven that holiday seasons have a positive effect on employee engagement. Leaders who can create an everyday holiday vibe in the office may lead to a happier workplaceOpens in a new tab..

85. The Importance of Career Growth

Employees who think that the management cares about their career growth often result in higher job engagement. People are more inspired to work since they know more opportunities are waiting for them in the future.

86. The Higher Trend of Remote Working

Not all companies practice remote working. For those who do, the drastic change in the energy and productivity of the employees is very evident. Since they have days when they do not need to worry about commuting and other work stress, they feel more rested and at peace.

 87. No Checking of Emails Beyond Work Hours

Companies should implement this rule. HR personnel noticed that individuals who constantly check their emails, even beyond work hours, are more paranoid and stressed than those who do not. It leads to lower employee engagement.

 88. Brand Reputation Has an Impact

If the employees hear about good brand reputation from other people outside their company, they are more inspired to do more to maintain this status. They feel like they contribute to where the company is now.

 89. Companies Should Spearhead Financial Talks

Studies show that more employees engage less with their work if they are facing financial struggles in their lives. Hence, companies should spearhead regular financial talks to their employees to get them out of this slump.

90. Political Beliefs Create Barriers

Some employees say that they feel tension and stress with their co-employees if they have clashing political beliefs. A number of them even stay away from their workplace on some days to avoid some conflicts.

 91. The View on Freelance Work

Around 25 percent of people believe that freelance work will increase their work engagement. They believe that this setup will enable them to have a better work-life balance compared to what the traditional office-based job presents to them.

92. Explore Health and Fitness Programs

Companies which offer health and fitness programs are said to have more productive and engaged employees than those who do not have these activities. The program improves their total well-being—be it physical, emotional, or mental.

93. Mental Health Programs Are a Must

Managers should also consider spearheading mental health programs in the office. Given that the reason for low employee engagement stems from mental health reasons, it is crucial to invest in these kinds of programs.

 94. Low Employee Engagement for the LGBT Community

According to statistics, 56 percent of LGBT employeesOpens in a new tab. are said to experience bullying. Hence, they usually call in sick to avoid this kind of discrimination.

95. Proper Job Matching Is Critical

Individuals who have been properly matched to their current work display higher engagement and productivity. Mismatched employees feel uninspired and just force themselves to at least finish the work given to them.

96. Age Matters

A small number of workers feel awkward and uncomfortable when their bosses are younger than them. They usually feel defeated since they are not in a higher status compared to them.

 97. Social Media Increases Employee Engagement

Social media bridges workers to their co-workers. Interacting with their managers and co-workers online results in more engaged employees in the workplace.

98. Approval of Labor Unions

Labor unions are avenues for workers to represent themselves and voice out what they want. If they feel like their opinions matter through the establishment of labor unions, they will be more involved in their job roles.

99. Employee Engagement Depends on the Industry

Believe it or not, the industries with the highest number of disengaged employees are hospitality, government, and light manufacturing.

100. Thank You’s

More and more employees say that their motivation would improve if their managers say thank you more. This way, they will feel prized and cherished.

The workplace is always evolving. Now, office culture and inspiration, not money, are what makes employees stay. We hope these 100 facts have helped you plan your employee engagement strategies.

Steve Todd

Steve Todd, founder of Open Sourced Workplace and is a recognized thought leader in workplace strategy and the future of work. With a passion for work from anywhere, Steve has successfully implemented transformative strategies that enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. Through Open Sourced Workplace, he fosters collaboration among HR, facilities management, technology, and real estate professionals, providing valuable insights and resources. As a speaker and contributor to various publications, Steve remains dedicated to staying at the forefront of workplace innovation, helping organizations thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

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